All this fucking fashion

Fashion Final 1All this fucking fashion

I shot a little bit of fashion for a uni assignment this week.
Everyone around me seemed to go for such high fashion, glossy bullshit look so I decided to shoot something I could actually  be proud of producing and like aesthetically.

Here is a little of what I came up with!
Model: Jordie Emmett
H&M: Loretta King
Styling: Myself

Follow me on Instagram!

Limited print sale! PARKWAY DRIVE. Only selling one!

Limited print sale! PARKWAY DRIVE. Only selling one!

I printed up a nice big 30×40 inch print of Winston McCall from The recent Parkway drive show in Melbourne! This is one of if not my favorite shot from the night and will be a super limited print as I will only being printing and selling it this once!
This is a first in best dressed sort of deal so don’t let it get away!

This print is priced at $200 and can be shipped anywhere at no cost to you! If you have any questions and are interested shoot me a message and we can have a chat! 🙂

Ph: 0490134830

Parkway Drive / Melbourne / 22.09.13

This is the first post and my first attempt at this whole blogging debacle so go easy!
Lets start it off on a positive note and with some shots that I’ve wanted to share properly for nearly two weeks now!
I had the pleasure of shooting Parkway Drive live at the Palace Theater, I knew of the band and its immense following

but I really hadno idea that they were so amazing live! Shooting them was honestly one of the highlights of this year so far.

Enough words, the Pictures are what’s important.
Take a peek and let me know witch you digg the most!

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